Peer Mentorship Program
Connecting current CSB-SCB student members
The CSB-SCB Peer Mentorship Program aims to match Mentors and Mentees with similar interests for these opportunities:
- Receive feedback on scholarship proposals (Tri-Council, provincial, and/or other)
- Receive feedback on Masters, PhD, or PDF applications
- Connect to discuss graduate school experiences, tips for success, networking, CV development, etc.
Forms for new or existing mentors or mentees are provided below. Please submit new forms (mentor/mentee) each year.
Please send completed forms, or requests for information, to:

Student Travel Award/Grant
Student members of CSB/SCB are eligible for a student travel award/grant. Two awards in the amount of up to $3000.00 each are available to be given out annually.
For more information please go to the Awards page.
Additional Travel Grants
CSB Student Conference Travel Grants: The CSB will award up to 20 travel grants to help cover the expenses related to the Congress. Each grant will be valued at up to $300 CAN and information will be available in each conference year.
For more information see the Awards page.
The Force and Motion Foundation Student Travel Grants

AMTI would also like to support CSB members pursuing biomechanics research. The Force and Motion Foundation is a non-profit organization fully funded by AMTI, to support students in fields related to multi-axis force measurement and testing.