This is an official call for nominations and/or self-nominations for members of the CSB/SCB Executive for the term running January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2024.
Any CSB/SCB member in good standing may nominate a candidate by providing the Secretary with the nomination and written consent of the candidate. Self-nominations are also accepted and encouraged. Any nominee is required to be a CSB/SCB member in good standing. Nominations will take the form of an expressed interest sent to the CSB/SCB Secretary, including a paragraph outlining the members involvement and contributions to the CSB/SCB and/or other societies, and their interest in the particular position. Current executive members wishing to run for another term or in a different role should also indicate this in writing to the Secretary ( by July 4, 2022.
The election process will take place electronically prior to our General Meeting in August, 2022. Election will be by a majority vote of the responding members. Each CSB/SCB member in good standing can cast one vote for each executive position. Newly elected executive members will be officially proclaimed at the General Meeting of the CSB/SCB taking place at NACOB on August 23, 2022.
The following executive positions are available for nomination, with more complete descriptions of roles and responsibilities found in the Executive Handbook (
- President
- Conference Chair*
- Secretary
- Communications Officer
- Student Representatives (x2)
- Treasurer/Members Affairs
- Member(s)-at-Large (x2)
* For the Conference Chair nomination and self-nominations, please note that an accompanying application to host the CSB/SCB 2024 Biennial Conference should be submitted (Please see the call for CSB/SCB 2024 Biennial Conference Bids).